Gain a “Competitive Edge”
by offering Spanish at your Preschool or Daycare Center – TODAY!
Ever wondered why some of the more “prestigious” schools offer foreign language to their students starting as early as infancy? It’s no secret that they are striving to set their children apart! Now you too can offer Spanish at your Preschool or Daycare Center at a fraction of the cost!
Fifteen years ago, Español Para Los Niños (Spanish for Children) had the vision of offering a “private school advantage” to all students, by teaching them a foreign language. As an Ivy League graduate, the Founder was well aware of the importance of educational excellence. And as a new mother, she knew the importance of imparting this educational excellence at an early age. And so, Español Para Los Niños (Spanish for Children) was born…
She began by offering Spanish to her own children and their friends through private lessons. From there, by request, it spread to their school events. Employing several well trained instructors with similar educational backgrounds and fervor for reaching children, Español Para Los Niños has expanded to offering quality Spanish lessons to Daycares, Preschools, private schools, charter schools, homeschooled students, individual enrichment classes and more for the past fifteen years! We service approximately 400 children per week.
And now…
Español Para Los Niños is excited to announce our newest instruction module:
bringing the best lessons taught over the past 15 years to your Preschool or Daycare
Spanish4Preschools prides itself on quality, in person instruction provided by expert instructors at your site. Our teachers are dedicated to teaching your children in a fun and interactive way, capturing their attention while they learn the subject matter. So, if live instruction is what you are looking for, look no further. We have that covered! Contact us today at for an individualized quote based on your budget, student base and the frequency of the lessons. We have plans for all budgets.
ACT NOW and receive a 10% discount off your first month’s instruction. Mention the code words “SPANISH is FUN-damental” to receive your discount! Also, for acting today, you will receive a free copy of our newest music CD,
HIP HOP SPANISH 4 KIDS (a $15 value). A N D…
We are ready to bring technology into the realm of instructional services, by offering our specialized instruction via online access. With our online option, your children will be provided with customized online lessons (also available on DVD). You will also receive worksheets to reinforce the lessons that they are learning and a complimentary e-newsletter to encourage the children to continue their lessons at home. We don’t stop there – we will provide free training for your staff, to give you tried and true tips on how to set up your site for effective Spanish lessons for your kids. For more information on this Online Option, please see our Online Instruction page.
No need to worry about low enrollment cutbacks.
With Spanish4Preschools, you can still afford to offer quality Spanish instruction.
In essence, S P A N I S H 4 P R E S C H O O L S offers…
ALL the captivating fun –
ALL the entertaining education experience –
ALL for a fraction of the usual cost of Spanish Instruction –
ALL delivered to your site, in the manner you choose – Live or Online.
SPANISH4PRESCHOOLS is a valuable marketing tool for your school!
Spanish4Preschools was founded by an Ivy-League graduate (Dartmouth College and University of Pennsylvania), mother of three, who is passionate about educational excellence.
All lessons are “KID-TESTED” – based on lessons taught to over 400 children per week. These lessons are created by an actual preschool Spanish instructor – not a large corporation. These are lessons that have worked time and time again.
The lessons are filled with fun and excitement. Spanish4Preschools delivers on the promise of educational FUN !
With the ever-increasing competition to maintain high enrollment in the daycare / preschool industry, it is important to have a competitive edge.
Unlike other educational consultants, as entrepreneurs, we understand the “business” of preschools, and your challenge to present the very best educational experience at an affordable cost.
Offering Spanish will give your school a distinct academic advantage over other schools that do not offer foreign language instruction, thus keeping your school at the forefront of academic excellence.
We offer convenient delivery of instruction materials. We will gladly come to your site to provide instruction in person, or if you choose, we can provide online instruction. And with either option, we offer handouts to reinforce the lessons, and a complimentary newsletter for your parents.
With several educational themes, the curriculum is designed to easily augment your school’s existing program.