For both the Live In Person and the Online Instructional Models…
here is just a sample of some of the many themes offered:
Basic Greetings
Numbers (1-20) and (1-100) with an intro to easy math concepts.
Colors and Shapes (including activities to inspire creativity)
The Alphabet (You never heard the Spanish Alphabet presented like this before – with an Afro-Cuban beat! Also important tips for perfect Spanish pronunciation.)
Foods and Typical Hispanic Meals
Family Members
Months of the Year
Days of the Week
Telling time
The Body
Animals (Pets, Farm and Jungle Animals)
Spanish At School
Spanish At Home
Spanish at Play
Professions (Using their imagination, children learn about several occupations – in Spanish!)
SPECIAL THEMES (Combining several introductory topics)
Winter – Learn basic sentence structure to compose a book about winter weather, winter clothing, favorite winter activities and sports. Comparison of winter in a cold climate as opposed to winter in a Hispanic Caribbean country.
Spring – Learn all about the weather and sports that are enjoyed in Latin America. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo – a fun Mexican celebration. Make crafts and try out easy recipes for your own celebration.
Summer – Celebrate summer activities and summer fun! Learn clothing vocabulary. “Visit” the beaches of Spain, and enjoy the mountains. Experience Camp in Spanish. Fun summer crafts and outdoor activities.
Fall – Learn about the change in seasons. Introduction to the School Theme and fun fall holidays. Also learn about family members.
Art: Revisit colors and shapes as you explore the wonderful world of Hispanic art. Learn about the masterpieces of Goya, Picasso, Orozco, Dalí and others.
Music and Dance: Learn and appreciate Spanish rhythms and how they are influenced by African and Native American experiences. Discover new dances – Flamenco, Cha-Cha, Meringue and more. Learn how other cultures have influenced the creation of these popular dances.
La Comida del Mundo Hispano (Foods from the Hispanic World) By popular demand, we have gathered a collection of Hispanic recipes adapted to children’s tastes. These are foods that have been enjoyed by the children at our fiestas, and are requested time and time again! The recipes are easy to make, delicious to taste, and fun to learn about! Each recipe comes with a brief history about the country that the food represents – all presented in a child-friendly format. ¡Delicioso!
The Rainforest (Introduction to Costa Rica and South America). Children enjoy learning all about the flora and fauna of the rainforests. They are introduced to sights and sounds that are truly incredible!
El Mundo Hispano (The Hispanic World): “Where in the world is…? – Introduction to Geography” Learn all 20 Hispanic countries (and their capitals) using a fun song and map activities. Yes – even young children will learn the names of the capitals of these countries using this catchy rhythm. How many adults can do that?
Intensive Discussion of Particular Countries, (including cultural context, foods, crafts, songs and games for children)
Puerto Rico
Central America
South America
Celebration of Special Holidays in the Hispanic Tradition:
Christmas Three Kings’ Day
Cinco de Mayo Columbus Day
Easter Hispanic Heritage Month
New Years’ Day Thanksgiving
And Additional Holiday Celebrations:
Valentines’ Day Grandparents’ Day
Mother’s Day Father’s Day
Black History Month (Learn all about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, President Obama and others – all in Spanish!!!)
In addition to the products above,
we also offer your students the following complimentary items to enhance their learning experience:
– WORKSHEETS to do in the class following the lesson
– WEBSITE LINKS for online practice
– Easy CRAFT IDEAS to follow up the lesson.
– A customized SPANISH DIPLOMA for your preschool graduates
(with the name of your school, signed by Señora DeeDee herself!)
Have another topic that you would like us to present to your students in Spanish??? Just ask, and we will gladly customize your lesson plan. Our goal is to help you to educate your children.